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A gentle reminder to breathe deeply. Did you know the most affordable anti-ageing remedy is Meditation? 

Meditation boosts overall well-being, reducing stress, and improves physical and mental health, which in turn reduces ageing. 

Here are the top five benefits of meditation and how they keep you looking and feeling youthful.

1. Stress: chronic stress leads to a state of inflammation which leads to illness, weakens the immune system and damages cells. Stress hormones like cortisol not only place pressure on the body but also cause skincare concerns like premature ageing, dark circles, acne, redness and puffiness. 

2. Cellular Health: research has shown that meditation can lengthen telemerese, protective caps at the end of chromosomes that shorten with age and cellular division. Longer telomeres are linked to healthier cells that live longer and reduced risk of disease.

3. Brain health: regular meditation has been proven to improve brain function by increasing grey matter density in areas related to attention, memory, and emotional regulation. As such, meditation reduces cognitive decline keeping our minds sharp. 

4. Emotional Well-being: as we age, our emotional wellbeing can become more susceptible to depression, anxiety, and stress. Meditation promotes emotional balance and helps to create a positive outlook on life. It helps us to navigate life and ageing with less tension and more ease.

5. Physical health: meditation improves cardiovascular health, immune function, and inflammation levels, therefore slowing the signs of ageing, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

Try this breathing exercise: Inhale, hold, exhale, hold. If your mind drifts, gently bring it back to focusing on your breath. Consider your senses: What do you hear, smell, feel, taste, and see? Try this for 15 minutes daily and watch the wrinkles disappear! 

By Georgia Quinn

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